Each of us has a unique instrument in the voice , learning to leverage the strengths and build upon the individual nuances of our voice will make us the singer that we are, the best we could be. Learning to sing is a very intimate and personal endeavour. To become a musician today, one needs to be flexible and to sing in different genres such as Rock, Pop, Country, Soul, R&B, Gospel etc:. Gain mastery of articulation, pitch accuracy, phrasing and breath control and a very sounded and well rooted knowledge of the voice and also of music in general.
Singing often is regarded as indistinguishably entwined with the spiritual in many cultures, singing is more than a mere art and its from the soul. It requires one to be healthy, in tune with themselves and others, to have the ability to develop a deep personal connection with the audience, with ease of mind and of body, with a pleasant demeanor and a joyful disposition, the purest of men and women sing the most beautiful songs.
We provide training in contemporary singing to impart the skill necessary to make it in the music business today. Learn how to play with other musicians, to make your voice sit in the mix, learn how to develop a studio ready and stage ready voice with opportunities to make use of our world class recording studios and numerous opportunities to perform live with other musicians, get certified in contemporary western vocals with our various affiliate programs, learn the techniques and methods that the pros use for their voice, sing like you’ve never sung before, sing for the world to hear. Come ’n’ explore yourself at Jam!